PTFE (Polytetrafluorethylene) Coated Glass Fabric is basically constructed of polytetrafluorethylene infused fiberglass with a PTFE coating on one of the sides. The fiber cloth itself is nonflammable and extremely durable. On the other hand, PTFE has unique properties that no other plastic has. The PTFE coating is resistant to chemicals. Hence, combining the two materials cause for a very versatile tool that can be used in many occasions. The coated glass fabric has a temperature resistance of -170°C to 260°C, along with the ability to resist mildew, and fungus. In addition to that, the PTFE Coated Glass Fabric is also resistant to all forms of UV, IR, Microwave, and radio frequencies. This non-toxic material has high dimensional stability and dielectric strength, along with being very easy to clean.
Applications of PTFE Coated Glass Fabric:
- Used as architectural fabric
- Used as release sheets for food
- Photo voltaic solar